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Feel to Heal: The Power of Expressing Emotions

eft tapping Oct 05, 2024

"Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways."
– Sigmund Freud

Emotions are a fundamental part of the human experience.  They shape our interactions with the world, guide decision-making, and influence how we connect with others.  Emotions help us learn and grow, often motivating us to improve challenging situations. However, society often discourages the open expression of emotions, pushing many of us to hide or suppress what we truly feel.

When emotions remain unexpressed or unprocessed, they don’t disappear.  Instead, they accumulate, eventually resurfacing in more damaging ways.  This can have profound effects on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.  Here’s how suppressing emotions can manifest:

  1. Emotional Buildup and Overwhelm

Repressing emotions can lead to a buildup of unprocessed feelings, which can overwhelm us over time. This emotional pressure can result in sudden emotional outbursts or breakdowns when the suppressed emotions finally surface.

  1. Increased Stress and Anxiety

Unexpressed emotions, particularly negative ones like anger or sadness, can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. The body may remain in a heightened state of alertness, known as the "fight-or-flight" response, causing a constant sense of unease.

  1. Mental Health Issues

Repressing emotions over time can contribute to mental health problems such as depression, anxiety disorders, or mood swings. It may also diminish one's ability to process emotions healthily in the future.

  1. Physical Health Problems

Research shows that chronic emotional suppression can manifest in physical health issues. Stress-related problems like headaches, muscle tension, digestive issues, high blood pressure, and even a weakened immune system can develop when emotions are bottled up.

  1. Strained Relationships

When emotions are not expressed, communication with others can suffer. Unresolved feelings may lead to misunderstandings, conflict avoidance, or resentment. Over time, this can strain personal and professional relationships.

  1. Loss of Authenticity

Suppressing emotions can cause a disconnection from one's true self. People may hide their feelings to please others or fit in, leading to a loss of authenticity and inner conflict between their true emotions and external behavior.

  1. Reduced Emotional Resilience

When emotions are not processed or expressed, it becomes harder to build emotional resilience. Avoiding difficult feelings can prevent someone from learning how to cope with them, leaving them more vulnerable to future emotional challenges.

  1. Numbness or Detachment

Over time, chronic emotional suppression can lead to emotional numbness or detachment, where a person becomes disconnected from their feelings altogether. This can reduce the ability to experience joy, love, or fulfillment.

For a deeper understanding of the mind-body connection and how trauma impacts us, I highly recommend reading Bessel van der Kolk’s book The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.

Feel to Heal

By acknowledging and processing our emotions, we not only enhance our self-awareness but also improve decision-making, strengthen our relationships, and lead more fulfilling lives. As Brené Brown wisely says, "When we avoid difficult emotions, we also lose access to positive emotions. To fully experience joy, we must allow ourselves to fully experience sadness."

Expressing emotions in healthy ways—whether through talking, journaling, or using techniques like EFT tapping—can help prevent these negative consequences and promote overall well-being.  By allowing ourselves to feel and process our emotions, we take an important step toward healing and emotional freedom.

For practical guidance on overcoming emotional overwhelm, check out my EFT Tapping video “Hard to Stop Crying” and my video demonstrating the Wayne Cook Posture.