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8 Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy

eft selfcare stress Feb 23, 2025

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” – Anne Lamott

We all have days when our energy feels drained. In these moments, it’s tempting to grab that extra cup of coffee or indulge in a sugary snack, only to experience an even deeper crash later.  Sometimes we find ourselves endlessly scrolling through our devices or trying to power through our fatigue – often leading to burnout or even physical injury.

One effective way to address low energy is to pause and ask, “What’s draining my energy right now?”  This simple question can help you identify whether it’s dehydration, inactivity, mental overload, or something else entirely that’s depleting your energy.  Once you pinpoint the culprit, the solution becomes much clearer. 

If you’re not sure what’s behind your low energy – or if you just need a quick boost – consider trying one or more of these strategies:

  1.  Hydrate

Dehydration is a common yet overlooked cause of fatigue. Drink a glass of water!  Add lemon or electrolytes for an extra boost.  I enjoy my Berkey-filtered water with a packet of LMNT electrolytes.


  1.  Move

Physical activity has many benefits, including boosting energy.  Even 5 minutes of stretching, yoga, or a quick walk can make a difference.  Choose something you enjoy!  I like to do the Nitric Oxide Dump exercises by Dr. Zach Bush (search on YouTube).


  1.  Breathe

Shallow breathing can leave you feeling mentally foggy and tired.  Boost oxygen intake with deep breathing exercises (search on YouTube).  I like the 4-7-8 breath.


  1.  Ground

Grounding, also known as Earthing (touching the earth with your bare feet), has many health benefits.  I love standing in my yard barefoot while I have a cup of tea in the morning.  It’s even better as the sun is coming up!


  1.  Laugh

Let go of stress by watching something funny or doing something silly – anything that makes you laugh.  Any time I need a laugh I look for a video called “Jaden broke” (a kid doing a math problem).


  1.  Rest

Sometimes we just need a break!  Try sitting and doing absolutely nothing for at least 15 minutes.  Another one of my favorite energy boosters is a 20-minute practice called Yoga Nidra (search on YouTube).


  1.  Detox

Identify and cut out energy zappers like excessive screen time, multitasking, or toxic relationships.  Consider a “digital detox hour” to unplug.


  1.  Tap

Emotional stress can wear us out! EFT Tapping is my go-to resource for this. Tap along with me in one of my many videos on YouTube, including the one “Low on Energy.”

By taking time out to identify what’s draining your energy and experimenting with these strategies, you can create lasting, positive changes in your life.