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Virtual Coaching Sessions & Free Resources to Help You

Create Your Ideal Life

Get the tools and encouragement you need to change your life.

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Define What You Want

Craft a vision for your ideal life and identify the goals that move you in that direction.

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Overcome Obstacles

Use techniques like EFT Tapping to get past  things like fears and limiting beliefs that get in the way.

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Execute Your Plan

Establish habits that help you reach your goals.  

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Hi!  I'm Lisa

If you could create your ideal life, what would that look like? Are your thoughts and actions moving you toward that best possible life? If not, you might end up with regrets and unfulfilled dreams. I don’t want that for you.

I’m a Life Coach and Certified Clinical EFT Practitioner. My coaching programs contain the best tools and resources I’ve found for creating an ideal life.   I'm excited to share those with you!  I'll guide you to craft your life vision, accomplish goals and establish habits to support that vision, and equip you with tools to help you when you’re stuck.

Watch my videos on YouTube and tap along with me for clarity and stress relief. 

If you are ready to create your ideal life, sign up for my weekly emails and schedule a free consultation.

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—Lisa Reid, MBA

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What do you want in your ideal life?

  • Achieve Work-Life Balance

  • Experience Community

  • Start a Self-Care Routine

  • Travel & Have Adventures

  • Learn a New Skill

  • Become an Entrepreneur

  • End Unwanted Habits

  • Minimize Regrets

  • Something Else?

If you'd like to create a blueprint to follow for your ideal life, let's work together.

I'm interested! Tell me more, Lisa!

What's stopping you from achieving your goals?

  • I don't know where to start.

  • I don't have enough time. 

  • I procrastinate.

  • I tend to undermine myself.

  • I have a fear of failure (or success).

  • I have trouble being consistent.

  • I lack focus, motivation, accountability.....

  • All of the above!

If you'd like to overcome these obstacles so you can move closer to your best possible life, let's work together.

I'm interested! Tell me more, Lisa!

Your Next Steps


1. Get a Free Consultation


2. Select a Coaching Package


3. Start Creating Your Ideal Life


Are these true for you right now?

  • I have a clear vision for my life.
  • My goals are defined.
  • I know what steps to take next.
  • I have tools to help me when I'm stuck.
  • My habits support my goals and vision.
  • I am living my best possible life.

If not, get started today by scheduling a free 30-minute virtual consultation.

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-Monthly email reminders to stay on track with your goals


 Check your inbox to confirm your subscription.


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Don't miss out on your best possible life


Many times people end up in life with regrets and unfulfilled dreams.  They settle for something less than ideal.  They miss out on what could have been an extraordinary life of adventure with people they love.

It doesn't have to be that way.  You deserve to experience your best possible life.

Ready to get started?

Get a FREE Coaching Session

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!  Live the life you've imagined."

                                                                                                                                                                         -Henry David Thoreau